Our policy is to ALWAYS return your negatives unless you select the develop and scan only options for 35mm and disposable cameras.
We also return reloadable 35mm cassettes, and all personal property you may have used to ship your film. Some larger items may not get returned due to shipping costs. Please don’t send your film in anything valuable.
We appreciate you thinking of us but for safety reasons all food received is disposed of.
We DO NOT automatically return the empty 35mm cassettes, 120/220 spools, Backing Paper, Plastic 35mm storage canisters.
APS Film will be put back into its cassette after it has been developed. Our APS scanner is no longer functional and our only scanning option is DSLR for APS. Scanning APS with a DSLR camera produces a very contrasty image.
PLEASE don’t put return address stickers on your film!!
We recycle by reloading the 35mm cassettes with ECN-2 film and selling it to help keep our developing prices low. 120 film spools and backing paper are resold. You can buy our ENC-2 film at www.dirtcheapfilm.com
Anything we can’t use or reuse is donated to the Film Photography Project in NJ