It is important that everyone does there part to keep our part time lab running smooth and without delays. Please take some time to read how you can help improve everyone’s turn around time.
when shipping your package please put your film into a water tight zip lock type bag.
Print your receipt with your name on it or neatly write your name, email address, order number, requested scanning resolution and if you want prints. Your email address does not count as your name. Our goal in asking this is so we can complete your order envelope without taking the time to look up your order online. Looking up an order can waste 10 minutes or our time. A dozen look ups every night can really slow down turn around times.
Get a tracking number so you know it got delivered. Don’t use just stamps.
Make sure your package is properly sealed with tape.
Write your order number on the package.Make sure all of your film is properly labeled. If your film is 35mm which you recently purchased in the store (or is less than 30 year old) you can skip this. If your film is 120, 220, 127 or is hand rolled / respooled film. It must be properly labeled. We are not mind readers and we can’t look at the film without damaging it. If you don’t know write unknown and we will develop your film as black and white using a guess for the proper time. We are not responsible for damage because we guessed incorrectly.
Checking your status slows down everyone’s turn around time. Your film is quickly moved from receiving and is challenging to locate till it is complete. You may ask on the day it was received or please wait a few days beyond the estimated turnaround time.
Please be careful not to damage your film and if your camera is manual it needs to be wound in the proper direction.