We try our best to get everyone film completed quickly however there are somethings which cause delay’s. Most of these delays can be easily prevented.
Make extra sure to NEATLY write your name, email, order number and the resolution you want your film scanned on a sheet of paper. Printing your receipt works too. We want to avoid taking the time to look up each person’s order which takes valuable time away from working on other customers film.
How many different types of film are you sending in one order? Each type of film is developed in a different location and so you need to take the maximum turn around time and add them together to get the proper expected completion time.
How many rolls are you sending? We can quickly develop up to 10 rolls of C-41 color film. However ECN-2 film takes a lot more time to develop. Black and White gets developed one roll at a time. Send in a single roll of common black and white and your get it back pretty quickly. Send us 25 unique rolls of black and white and it could take months to complete.
Some film takes extra work before it can be developed. 110, 127 and APS are the most common types needing extra work.
120 and 110 film can’t get an ID number till after they get developed. Because of this we need to be extra careful when developing and they have to be worked into the schedule. This will cause delays.
Did your Color C-41 film need pushing? We can’t push film in our automatic film processor so it takes time to work that into the schedule. This can add a week or 2 to the turn around time.
Is your film damaged? Ripped film can’t be easily scanned and sometimes is impossible to develop. Common damage we see a lot of is the sprockets are damaged at the end of the film. Or the rewind button was not pressed and the film either broke or has ripped sprockets. Also not rewinding your film in the correct direction can damage your film and cause delays.
If there is an issue and we need to contact you. Your film could sit on the sidelines till we have time to contact you and resolve the issue. If your not sure of something please contact us to avoid possible delays. Click Here to contact us.
Is your film properly Identified? This is rarely an issue with 35mm film. However if your shooting 120 and you send us a roll with absolutely no hint as to what your sending me, we don’t have a magic 8 ball to tell us what you sent. All film must be properly labeled with as much information as possible.
Do you ask us every few days for an update? Hopefully not but some of our customers do and we can waste up to 30 minutes trying to locate that persons film. Please don’t be that person asking for an update.